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- # Movie titles, authors, and characters
- #
- # From Bob Baldwin's collection from MIT
- # Augmented by Matt Bishop and Daniel Klein
- #
- 2001
- 2010
- airplane
- alcapone
- alien
- aliens
- android
- animal house
- animalhouse
- bakshi
- bananas
- banzai
- baron harkonnen
- baronharkonnen
- bladerunner
- blueblazer
- bluevelvet
- bonsai
- brad&janet
- bradjanet
- bradnjanet
- brand-n-janet
- buckaroo
- c3po
- channi
- cthreepo
- darthvader
- deathstar
- doon
- dreamscape
- drno
- ducksoup
- duke leto
- dukeleto
- duncan
- dune
- et
- etee
- feedme
- foulplay
- frankenfurter
- franknfurter
- ghandi
- goldfinger
- gremlins
- hal9000
- harkonnen
- hitchcock
- holy grail
- holygrail
- hopscotch
- inheritthewind
- irulian
- jaws
- kaos
- kingandi
- lastango
- lasttango
- leto
- littlehouse
- littleshop
- luke
- madmax
- maude
- maxwell
- maxwellsmart
- meatloaf
- muad-dib
- muaddib
- nimh
- obi kenobi
- obi wan kenobi
- obi-wan
- obiwan
- porky
- producers
- psycho
- r2d2
- raiders
- raidersofthelostark
- rambo
- replicant
- repoman
- riff-raff
- riffraf
- riffraff
- rifraf
- rifraff
- road warrior
- roadwarrior
- robocop
- rocky
- rocky horror
- rockyhorror
- rtwo
- rtwodtwo
- sal9000
- skywalker
- spam
- specter
- spectre
- star wars
- startrek
- starwars
- sttng
- thebirds
- thegreatescape
- thekingandi
- theproducers
- thunderball
- thunderdome
- thx1138
- tootsie
- tron
- wargames
- witnessfortheprosecution
- wizards
- wopper